Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Morningful Tuesdays

It has been quite a time since I woke up at around 6 am in the morning. Today also I didn't break that trend of waking up just minutes before class I haven't slept the whole night. Whatever way I passed the night it wasn't much productive although I don't do any worthful thing throughout the day. My friends go to GATE classes and  MBA coaching because they aspire to become somebody successful and earn hefty sums of money. Moreover because their parents aspire them to be so. They are ideal sons and daughters which every parent  dream of. And here I am spending all my time glued to my favorite gadget which is my laptop surfing through various articles which I think if I share would stand me out as awesome among my peers . I am tad sad because the stuff I share most of the time bounces over their head. Be it satire or some intellectual content they fail to connect with it which makes me come down to a lower level of amusement.

Talking about future aspirations I need to decorate my resume with some social media skill sets because that has become my sole purpose to log in to my laptop. Recently during the funeral of one of my relatives I met my cousins who work in Bengaluru and asked them to tell me about some good prospects in IT. All of them have only one answer become a  System Engineer ,specialize in C language and secure your career. Don't sway into Web Development or Mobile Application development. This comes to me as a setback as I wished to be foray into Web Application product making. It seems everyone follows the herd. None of the people I know has that entrepreneurial spirit , that of taking the path less taken and addressing people needs. I don't exactly remember what bought my interests into startup scene but whatever it has been I consider it an eye awakening one. IIMs produce a number of managers who serve the international scene, what about addressing the local problems ?  Weren't these IITs & IIMs established to make India a superpower , improvise the present scenario services  ? Entrepreneurial spirit among those graduated from these precious institutes is obviously missing. Thanks to the rising of in-numerous e-commerce companies lead inspiringly by Flipkart, the startup scene in the country is promising. But what comes as a dent to the dreams of a startup in India are unfriendly government policies. Now a law/amendment has been made in the budget wherein  there would be a 30% tax on angel investments. This tax is popularly known as Startup Tax. This is very demotivating at the time when so many startup ideas are floating.

Success means different to different people and for me it is when I achieve the goal I set. Being famous to me is when a product made by me could found in everyone's hand. Be it an app or a website or a gadget it should become a necessity. You live only once and you need to make it worthwhile. This much of philosophical dealing is enough for today. Other than reading this boring stuff I would advise you to go through the following things :-

1. Drew Smith - Smoke and Mirrors : This artist Drew Smith, based out of Texas, outsourced his music video to a Bangalore Dance group. Nice composition I would say.

2. Incredible photos of Far Away : Womens9.com has covered a very good article showcasing impressive captures from the talented  Steve Mccury. Here is one of his captures :

Here is the link to their article : http://www.womens9.com/view/4971

3. The Ten Most Revealing Psych Experiments  - If you have any interest in Psychology you would love to read this article I stumbled upon. Read it here :-  http://brainz.org/ten-most-revealing-psych-experiments/

4. If you still have some more free time and are in dire need to spend it just tweet me at @ankitmahapatra , I will suggest you some more awesome time killing stuffs.

Ahh, I wish I could fill this blog post with tweets only after all I ain't used to writing this long blog posts. 
Feel free to comment on  this unstructured, wayward blog post which even I didn't understand from where I started and where it ended.


  1. Original thoughts are always in random order. If thoughts occurred in an organized way then we still would have been living in the stone age. Everybody who knows you well knows that life had a lot of good things in store for you. God bless you.

  2. Ankit it started well and even it ended well.
    Altogether all is Well

    Liked reading :)

  3. nice 1.....really enjoyed it....:)
    you hv lot of potential nd a zeal for coming up with something new.....all the best.....nd keep writing...

