Friday, September 16, 2011

The Week In Progress

This week has been a messy ?..partly ..sadistic? productive? a mixed feeling about it. The exams  finished today and they were as usual(= bad). I don't have any hopes of scoring good marks in any of them (well this has been a trend since 2nd sem) and neither do I ever study that deeply so that I secure some respectable marks. I barely study 5 min(or less) on a particular topic. I found some pics on a tumblr blog which exactly illustrated my feelings : 

First minute:

5 minutes later:

10 minutes:

15 minutes:

20 minutes:

I don't exactly know what I do on Facebook except than stalking people. I tried to pretend that I am an app developer but #failed at it. These days the thumbnails on Chrome(the best browser for navigation in the world!) show that I spend more time on Twitter than anything(studies included!)  else .

Well I use Twitter because I look for cool and interesting links that are of my interests. One needs to be selective in following people ,otherwise their twitter timeline would be flooded with things which be none of your concern(marketing specialists targeted). There are sometimes very good hastags which trend worldwide and in India too. One of my favorites is #foodmovies and #gujjubond. 
Also the openletter (remember madrasan,delhi wala and gujju point of view?) went viral after tweeple(people on twitter) talked about it.

Talking of startups I found one startup named  which defines itself as an online lockbox system for all the information you need to have stored somewhere really safe. Contracts, memberships, insurances, licenses, credit cards... all that can go into Own Your Info, and the data can actually be stored using a slick template system. I mean how can you secure your important data on net when these days your account can be hacked so easily ( suffering from a headache after recovering a friend's fb account). 

The weekend is still there , hope I will be able to push up some posts on my new venture. 

1 comment:

  1. its very good topic.this pics r really cool & match our status in the pre exam situation

